Malta Wedding
With 1 week to go before Lucy & Murray were getting married in Malta, I had no idea if I would be there. Lucy booked me around 2 years ago after I shot their friend’s Dan & Leigh-Anne’s wedding out in Zante. Those were the early days of this crazy wedding journey, back then I have no shame to say I worked 9-5 all week in an office and some how managed to shoot 50 weddings in a year all over Europe. It was tough, 80+ hour weeks, but that was nothing compared to my Son Madeon arriving 24 hours before I was due to get on the plane to shoot their wedding. Thankfully Madeon arrived safely, I then shot a wedding in Birmingham and then jumped on a plane to Malta. Even by Keither Sutherland’s standards, that’s a crazy crazy 24 hours. To make it more crazy, Madeon had to go back into hospital during their wedding, and a mere 5 hours after their first dance on a sun drenched Malta, I landed back to a rain-drenched Manchester. Good times!
Lucy & Murray had their wedding at the awesome Castello Zamitello. Thanks to Kelly for featuring their wedding on Boho Weddings. Thanks to Lucy & Murray for taking me there. It all worked out in the end…
Absolutely stunning – the light is gorgeous and there are so many awesome shots. BOOM. x
Cray cray cray. Now that’s a story Madeon will enjoy. Stellar frames bro!
What an adventure, yet you managed to capture their day beautifully, I am sure they will enjoy these images for years to come!
That’s good light, my friend, and you did great work with it.
Superb Jon.
Mmmmm love it
Dude!!! This is awesome.
absolutely fab! and that first reflection shot is pure awesomeness!
Thanks all!
Reeeeeeeeeaaaaally nice shots!
Two words : Fantastic & Beautiful – a great wedding superbly captured
Great set of images Jon, stunning compositions, lighting and location.
I’m worn out just reading the story…..what are you running on????
I think you made Kiefer Sutherland proud, my friend.