Tag: Weddings in Sheffield

Sheffield wedding photographer

Favourite of the week (Number 1)

I’ve decided to mix up my blog posts a bit for 2014, and every week I’m going to post 1 image I love from the week before, and talk a bit about the thought process, how it was made, and some of the boring techy stuff for the fellow wedding photo people who like to […]


Sheffield Cathedral wedding

I didn’t know Laura and Brook before they came to me, but by the time their wedding finally came round it was a ‘friends wedding’, which is awesome. Blessed with glorious weather, they married at Sheffield Catholic Cathedral in the centre of Sheffield and then we headed out to the Peak District border for their […]

derbyshire wedding photographer

The Maynard – Back Catalogue

The 11th image from my back catalogue of favourites, taken in the peaks of Sheffield in March 2011. There’s nothing too complicated happening here, I just wanted to make a portrait of Helen in the countryside. I picked the largest rock I could see to show off Helen’s dress in the best way possible. Sheffield […]

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